ONLY $.26 (Raw) or $.29 (Jpg) PER IMAGE!
Spot on color isn’t always easy, and it can be one of the most tedious parts of editing any shoot. Let us provide you with accurate and customized global image corrections, and leave you with more time for the fun stuff.
What is Color Correction?
Our talented editors will individually correct your images in Lightroom for matching your style and preferences for amazing color on every image.
Are There Extra Fees?
Nope, The $.26 and $.29 cent per file includes all file hosting, editing and delivery. No additional handling fees are applied.
What is Included?
All critical adjustments including White balance, exposure, contrast, saturation, fill light etc. Anything that can be done on a global basis. Each image is hand corrected by a real person.
What's NOT Included?
Local Adjustments like Dodge and Burn, Gradients, cloning, dust spots, artifacts and Color Toning. Those items are all available through our Artistic Retouching Services.